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Houston Construction Accident Attorneys

Construction accidents often result in extensive physical and financial damage to the lives of victims and their families. While these sites can be dangerous, it is important to remember that a number of state and federal laws are in place that serve to protect construction workers from injury, and when you are involved in a construction accident, you may be entitled to significant compensation. The best way to determine what you are entitled to is with the help of one of our experienced construction accident attorney.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ 2017 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries lists the construction industry as having the highest work-related fatality rate in the United States. In 2017, the most recent reporting year, 1,003 worker deaths occurred as a result of construction work. This is roughly a 4% increase in occupational fatalities over previous year.

What To Do After A Construction Accident Injury

Remembering the following steps can help you get the benefits you deserve after a construction site injury:

  • Report your injury to your employer in writing and keep a copy for your own records.
  • Seek medical care immediately.
  • Complete a claim form. If you do not complete a claim form your employer has no obligation to provide benefits.
  • File the claim ASAP.
  • Gather contact information from anyone who witnessed the accident.
  • Collect evidence, such as photos of the accident scene and your injuries. If possible, you should also keep the tool or item that injured you.
  • Contact a specialized Construction Accident Attorney right away to protect your rights

Keep Detailed Records - Be Sure To Record The Following:

Be sure to do what your doctor tells you. There is never a reason or excuse to miss a doctor’s appointment. By missing a doctor’s appointment, you are saying to the doctor and to the insurance company that you don’t hurt and that it doesn’t matter that much. Our job is to make a recovery for you for the pain and suffering that can be proven. It is very important for you to work hard to get well and to go to all of your appointments.

What Is The Value Of My Case?

It is impossible for us to tell immediately how much money, if any, you will recover in connection with your case. There is no formula and each case is unique and different. In cases of serious injury, the ultimate recovery is often related to the amount of insurance coverage available, as well as the nature, extent, and duration of your injuries, along with an assessment of liability. As your attorneys, we feel it is our primary duty to obtain an amount of money which will fairly and justly compensate you for your injuries. We will make every effort to do this by locating all sources of money. We will advise you of our evaluation in this regard. In general, most states allow recovery of damages for the following elements of damage:

  • The nature and extent of injury, including whether the injury is permanent, and the amount of disability.
  • Medical expenses, both past and reasonably certain to be incurred in the future. This includes mileage to and from the doctor or hospital.
  • Wage loss, past and future and loss of capacity to earn a living.
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium for your spouse, past and future.

How Long Will My Case Take?

We cannot begin processing your claim until after we have received all of the doctor’s reports stating exactly what your medical condition is and your long-term prognosis. In other words, until you have reached “maximum medical improvements.” If we try to settle your case before your medical condition is stabilized, you may lose money that you might be entitled to for a condition that did not show up until after your case was settled.

It is important to know that your case will not be settled until the damages have been determined and all investigations to determine who is liable have been completed. It generally takes several months to gather the necessary information. If a trial becomes necessary, it can take several years to complete a case. One of the most difficult requests we make of you is to have patience. We will work as hard and fast as possible to settle your case quickly.

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