
Truck driver's mother vows to keep fighting as judge reconsiders her son's controversial 110-year sentence

Domingo Garcia is an attorney in Texas helping truck accident and crash victims. Never take the insurance companies settlement without understanding the value of your own case.

Attorney Domingo Garcia was featured on Dateline's coverage of the Denver Truck Accident case.

Oslaida Mederos told "Nightline" that her son never intended to hurt anyone.

ABC Dateline News
By Deena Zaru

The League of United Latin American Citizens, one of the largest Latino civil rights groups in the U.S., met with Polis last week to advocate for Mederos.

"It should be about justice, not vengeance," LULAC President Domingo Garcia told "Nightline."

"I sympathize with those family members who lost a loved one; I cannot imagine how difficult the pain must be," he added.