
Attorney Domingo Garcia in the News: Hispanic Caucus Energized by First Biden Meeting

On Tuesday the Congressional Hispanic Caucus has a meeting with President Biden. The caucus used the meeting to push the Biden administration on important issues like immigration reform 2021 and health care, vaccine access and racial equity.

One of the main projects that the CHC asked President Biden to make a priority is creating a pathway to citizenship for essential workers, farmworkers, dreamers and others. While each administration has been hopeful about immigration reform, we stand to see if we can see a bill make it through congress and signed into law.

We Finally have a White House that Cares about Immigrants

The Hill
By Rafael Bernal

"The fact the caucus leadership is being invited and being given a seat at the table is a vast improvement of what we saw under the Trump administration, and frankly under [former President] Obama," said Domingo Garcia, national president of the League of United Latin American Citizens.

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) top brass met in the White House with President Biden on Tuesday, in a show of force for a group often at the forefront of Democratic clashes with former President Trump. 

The CHC, led by Chairman Rep. Raul Ruiz (D-Calif.), discussed health care, vaccine equity, Biden's infrastructure and jobs plan, immigration reform and racial equity.